Discussing the plans for Westeros when ‘Game of Thrones’ finishes its final eighth season. In a new interview with EW, Casey Bloys, HBO Programming President talked about the levels of expectancy to create something else from the show.
“A prequel feels like it has less pressure on it [than a spin-off]. [Author George R.R Martin’s history of Westeros] gives you areas in which to say to a writer, ‘If you were going to do this, then go flesh it out,’ and we’ll see what comes back. But I don’t feel any pressure that we have to have something,” he said.
The seventh season of ‘Game of Thrones’ which is currently being filmed in various locations across Northern Ireland, is set to premiere on HBO on the 25th June this year. With the amount of episodes expected for the final eighth season unsure as yet. Filming for the last instalment is due to begin in September 2017.
Due to the success of the HBO drama, there has been a lot of rumours and talk about potential spin offs, exploring the Seven Kingdoms and the history behind storylines within the main show to give additional context. One, for example might be an insight into life during the reign of terror under the the “Mad King” King Aerys II Targaryen. There is a great amount of potential for other historical background timeframes and subject matter to be found within the novels that George R.R Martin’s has penned. Leaving there to be plenty of scope for future detailed expansion within his character and locational creations.
In his interview Bloy continued to discuss the ability of exporing ideas and the creation of something new.
“It’s such a big property we would be foolish not to explore it, but it’s a pretty high bar. We’ll take some shots at it. I’m not going to do it just to do it. It has to feel very special. I would rather have no sequel and leave it as-is then have something we rushed out.”
For a show that first came to our screen six years ago, it’s popularity has helped it become one of the most watched TV shows of all time. As well as having a positive impact on tourism and location filmings within Northern Ireland, it has also helped spotlight the acting careers of many upcoming Irish actors throughout its seasons. Art Parkinson , from Donegal who acted as the youngest Stark boy Rickon Stark has since gone on to star in numerous productions most notably being the main voice actor of ‘Kubo’ in the award winning animation ‘Kubo and the Two Strings’.
Alongside Art, there have been various other Irish and Northern Irish actors; Jack Gleeson ‘Killinaskully’ , Kristian Nairn ‘Ripper Street’, Eddie Jackson ‘Vikings’, Liam Cunningham ‘Fir Bolg’ , Michelle Fairley ‘Rebellion’, Aidan Gillen ‘Love/Hate’, Conleth Hill ‘Suits’, Michael McElhatton ‘The Fall’ and countless more that can be added to the growing talent involved within the ‘Game of Thrones’ series.
As fan’s continue to speculate what new spin-off or prequel may emerge once the series finishes. One thing that is for certain, is that the eagerly anticipated Season 7 of ‘Game of Thrones’ is due to premiere on HBO on Sunday 25th June.