TG4’s new comedy drama series, ‘Rasai na Gaillimhe’ (The Galway Races), produced by Great Western Films, and directed by Robert Quinn, follows the fortunes of a disparate yet intricately connected group of characters through an exciting race week in the city of the tribes.
The series is comprised of seven episodes of forty minutes duration. The first episode airs on Wednesday September 23rd at 9.30 p.m. The series is on for seven successive weeks.
Each episode of the series will be based on one of the seven deadly sins of Pride, Gluttony, Envy, Lust, Sloth, Wrath and Greed and their relevance to modern life in Ireland.
The series boasts an impressive cast and colorful characters; Ultan Keane, played by Don Wycherley, is a venial and pampered government minister who is assigned special branch officer Cathal Creed played by Tomas O’Suilleabhán. Ruth Bradley’s Aoife character is a local Galway guard itching for the big time but frustrated by years of menial duties. Noel, played by Owen Roe, is a horse owner who will stop at nothing to protect his family name. Frankie McCafferty plays the role of Liam Reilly, a jockey who is fed up of throwing up to maintain racing weight.
The series is directed by Robert Quinn (Seacht/Dead Bodies) and written by James Phelan. DOP for the series is Cian De Buitlear. The production company was Great Western Films and the series was funded by TG4, The Irish Film Board and the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland.
The ‘Rasai Na Gaillimhe’ series will start its run on TG4 on Wednesday, September 23rd at 9.30pm.