Events Diary for Jun 1, 2017
Key: Awards Training Festival Deadline Event |
June 1st 2017 |
Training: Carbon Literacy for Production Go »
The carbon literacy for production course was developed by the Film and TV industry in the UK about two years ago. It aims to provide everyone in the industry with a sound knowledge of the scientific reality of climate change, its impacts and the challenges of the transition to a sustainable future. It also covers what we can do personally in our home life, the policy and business trends that form the background to our industry, before going through the detail of what it means for content producers. The whole afternoon is dedicated to better understanding the range of impacts of Film and TV production, and to presenting the best practice and solutions currently available.
June 1st 2017 |
Training Deadline - Rhino for Art Department Go »
This workshop will offer an overview of Rhino 3D software’s application in art department and offer tips and tools for its effective use. The course will cover topics such as 2D Drafting in Rhino, Set Modelling in 3D, Importing and Exporting in Rhino and applying textures and rendering.