The National Talent Academy Film & Television, together with the National Talent Academy Animation and Screen Ireland have announced two new pilot short film funding initiatives for both live-action and animation projects, which will run from March to December 2024: The First Credit Short Film Scheme and The National Talent Academies(NTA) Short Film Fund.
The First Credit Short Film Scheme specifically targets new entrants to the industry and aims to support them in gaining their first professional credits as Writers, Directors, or Producers. The NTA Short Film Fund is targeted at those already working within the industry, to support filmmakers in expanding their skillsets and moving into new writing and directing roles.
The First Credit Short Film Scheme
With a budget of €7,000 each, the First Credit Short Film Scheme will fund up to three live-action drama and three animation projects in 2024.
This opportunity opens doors to the industry, enabling new filmmakers to build a solid foundation for their own careers. Putting a focus on skills development, the successful filmmaking teams will have the opportunity to take part in a programme of tailored mentoring, training, and workshops, which will be delivered by experienced industry professionals over the course of several months.
The NTA Short Film Fund
With a budget of €13,000 each, The NTA Short Film Fund will fund up to two live-action dramas and two animation projects in 2024.
This NTA Short Film Fund is an opportunity for emerging practitioners and crew to upskill from their current area of expertise and take their career in new directions.
The closing date for applications to the First Credit Short Film Scheme is February 6th 2024 .
The closing date for applications to The National Talent Academies Short Film Fund is February 5th 2024 .
More information on both schemes and associated events can be found on Screen Ireland’s website under NTA Film & TV and NTA Animation.
The National Talent Academy Film & TV is an initiative of Screen Ireland managed by Ardán. The National Talent Academy Animation is an initiative of Screen Ireland managed by Animation Ireland.