Galway Film Fleadh has announced that renowned actor Tim Roth and acclaimed director Anthony Chen will headline this year’s masterclass series in Directing and Acting, which is supported by Screen Ireland.
This year’s Galway Film Fleadh takes place on July 9th – 14th with Sundance Audience Award-winning bilingual feature film Kneecap opening the festival on Tuesday night.
Tim Roth – Actors Masterclass
Tim Roth, known for his unforgettable characters across independent and major studio films, will lead the Actors Masterclass. Roth was nominated for the BAFTA Award for Most Promising Newcomer in his film debut The Hit and gained worldwide recognition for his roles in Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, The Hateful Eight, and his portrayal of Mr. Orange in Reservoir Dogs.
His latest film, Poison, directed by Désirée Nosbusch, will compete in the Peripheral Visions Competition and will be screened on Saturday, July 13, at 18:00 in Pálás Cinema, with Roth in attendance.
The Actors Masterclass, moderated by casting agent Maureen Hughes, will take place on July 13th from 10:00am to 12:30pm at The Galmont Hotel.
Anthony Chen – Directors Masterclass
Anthony Chen, known for his award-winning films Ilo Ilo and Wet Season, will lead this year’s Directors Masterclass. A celebrated writer, director, and producer from Singapore, Chen is renowned for his poignant storytelling.
Chen’s The Breaking Ice, which premiered at Cannes 2023, will have its Irish premiere at the Fleadh on Friday, July 12th, at 8pm in Pálás Cinema. Drift, his English-language debut starring Oscar-nominated Cynthia Erivo, will be screened on Sunday, July 14th, at 2:30pm in Pálás Cinema.
The Directors Masterclass, facilitated by producer Simon Perry, will take place on Saturday, July 13th from 2pm to 4:30pm at The Galmont Hotel.
Anthony Chen’s Directors Masterclass is presented in collaboration with the East Asia Film Festival Ireland (EAFFI).
Click here for more information about the 36th Galway Film Fleadh.