The insightful documentary from Little Ease Films follows three activists over six years who are caught up in the rapidly changing modern-day Cambodia, following decades of civil war and violence.
HotDocs is one of the world's leading documentary film festivals and ran from April 27th-May 7th in Toronto, Canada.
'Elián' (Tom Golden & Ross McDonnell) produced by Trevor Birney of Fine Point Films and 'In Loco Parentis' from Neasa Ní Chianain and David Rane also screened.
The project marks a feature documentary debut for director and producer Kelly, who has been working on the project for nine years. Edwina Forkin of Zanzibar Films, Christopher Hird of Dartmouth Films and Bob Moore of Montreal-based EyeSteelFlm are executive producers.
‘A Cambodian Spring’ exposes the complexity, corruption and hypocrisy informing the current state of affairs in the country, where mothers Toul Srey Pov and Tep Vanny, and Buddhist monk Venerable Sovath attempt to defend themselves against the injustice of the times.