At Red Shoe Productions our mission and purpose is to create imaginative, intelligent, and thought-provoking programmes for a wide range of audiences and broadcasters. We're not afraid of difficult questions and unchartered waters! We are storytellers that provide our audiences with visually distinctive programmes that resonate long after the show has aired. Our goal is to ignite the curious ear, by how real people live their lives. ! We love what we do. We deliver everything with passion and take pride in our work.
We are constantly engaging with artists and musicians through our series Imeall which has just wrapped its 8th Season. We were delighted to produce TG4’s Gradam Ceoil for the second time in February. We love nothing more than the responsibility of live television coupled with some of the finest musicians in the country being awarded for their outstanding contribution to traditional music. We are currently producing our second season of HUP visiting some of the finest traditional music workshops and festivals through out the country. Ceoil Ar An Imeall, our indie music programme, is currently airing on TG4.
Current Productions
- TG4: HUP Season 2 - Traditional music programme
- TG4: Ceol Ar An Imeall Season 7 - Indie Music Series
- IFTA 2014: Winner of Best Factual Programme for 'Imeall – Seamus Heaney Postscript'
- Sky Road Film Festival 2014: Winner Best Short Documentary for 'Imeall Seamus Heaney Postscript'
- Oireachtas Media Award 2013: Winner Television Series of the Year for 'Imeall'
- IFTA 2012: Nominated for TV Moment of the Year for 'Imeall'
- New York Irish Film Festival 2010: Joint Audience Award for 'Mo Mhóirchoir Féin – A Prayer' produced by Maggie Breathanch and directed Dearbhla Walsh
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Red Shoe Productions