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AirSpeed Telecom
About AirSpeed Telecom
AirSpeed Telecom www.airspeed.ie is a leading provider of high speed licensed wireless and fibre telecommunications services to a wide range of companies in the broadcasting and media industry, large enterprises, SMEs and the public sector. Clients include RTÉ, TG4, Telegael, Brown Bag Films, Ashford Studios and Windmill Lane Studios as well as companies such as Irish Distillers, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Vhi Healthcare, HEANet, Dairygold, NCSS (BreastCheck), and Vista Primary Care.
AirStream www.airspeed.ie/telecom-solutions/webcasting.html AirSpeed Telecom’s newly launched webcasting service delivers the facility to transmit live audio and video from a designated location to viewers globally. AirStream provides what is essentially a unique turnkey broadcasting service in real time which is easy to set up and can be permanent or temporary. The service is connected to AirSpeed Telecom’s high speed network ensuring efficient and cost effective HD transmission of your event to reach everything from a large screen to a mobile phone, anywhere in the world.
In addition, AirSpeed provides a live broadcasting service, Livelinx (HYPERLINK TO www.livelinx.tv), which allows organisations deliver live sports and expert commentary straight to newsrooms across the country. Livelinx offers both financial and time savings to broadcasters looking to reduce satellite uplink fees and the cost of sending a crew to conduct interviews.
AirSpeed Telecom employs 40 at offices in Dublin (Citywest) and Cork (CIT Campus). AirSpeed Telecom operates a Network Management Centre which provides customers with a pro-actively managed 24 x 7 x 365 service.
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